Thread subject: :: ID help please

Posted by salamandra on 11-08-2008 20:53

I saw this huge fly Sunday 10th August south Norfolk between Brandon and Mundford, beside a forest track, picture quality not good as was very windy, can anyone identify it please I would be very grateful

Edited by salamandra on 11-08-2008 20:59

Posted by ChrisR on 11-08-2008 21:00

Need to see the photo :D Check the posting guidelines - no spaces in file names and <190KB size :)

Posted by salamandra on 11-08-2008 21:06

Hi Chris, am wrestling with it now, seems to meet all criteria, size, name, just not being added, I'll keep trying

Posted by salamandra on 11-08-2008 21:10

Chris if I email it to you at the address in your profile can you see if you can tell what it is and possible post it for me?

Posted by ChrisR on 11-08-2008 21:30

Hi Dave

Got your email with photo. I have attached it here for the other readers on the forum :)

It is a Tachina grossa - one of Britain's largest flies and a parasitoid of large moth larvae, usually in woods or heaths. I wouldn't say it is rare but it is local to suitable habitats ... but when it is seen it tends to stand out a bit so people do spot them quite often ;)

Can you give me the usual record information (date, location, grid reference) for this, so we can enter it into the recording scheme database? :)

Chris R.

PS: the photo didn't upload for me either, which probably means something about the encoding defeated the phpFusion software that runs this forum. To get around it I just cropped it a bit in PhotoShop and resaved it and uploaded the new version, which seems to work fine now :)

Edited by ChrisR on 11-08-2008 21:59

Posted by salamandra on 11-08-2008 22:12

Thank you very much for that Chris, that's great. Location and date as above, approx grid ref 787 904

(EDIT Chris Raper: I think that should be TL787904)

Edited by ChrisR on 11-08-2008 22:25

Posted by Matt Smith on 11-08-2008 22:52

Oke doke - Data noted
