Thread subject: :: Empis nigritarsis (Hungary)

Posted by jaurinum on 31-07-2008 22:15

~6-8mm long, slim fly from NW-Hungary. Abdomen and thorax darkblue, bright.
Habitat: humid forest-side, on the inflorescence of Anthriscus sylvestris.
Date: end of April, 2008

Is this fly belongs to Pipunculidae? Which genus/species? (if it possible)

Thanks in advance


Edited by jaurinum on 31-07-2008 22:38

Posted by jaurinum on 31-07-2008 22:19


Posted by Paul Beuk on 31-07-2008 22:23

Empis nigritarsis, Empididae.

Posted by jaurinum on 31-07-2008 22:37

Thank you very much Paul.
Yet I see the characterstic legs with scales.