Thread subject: :: Male pheromone glands in Pterocallini (Ulidiidae)

Posted by Nosferatumyia on 22-07-2008 02:30

Not only the tephritids, but also many pretty nice Neotropical pterocallines (Pterocalla, Xanthacrona, Megalaemyia and allied genera) have peculiar pouches between the 3rd and 4th or also 4th and 5th tergites. Neither Elena, nor I have ever observed live specimens with those things everted, but all the museum stuff critical point dried from alcohol has them.
I attach a single picture of a new undescribed species of Megalaemyia near radiata Hendel from Ecuador.
Pardons for the picture quality - my soap box 5 mp camera through the dissecting microsope eyepiece was my only tool at the Smithsonian the last month.

Edited by Nosferatumyia on 22-07-2008 02:37

Posted by Paul Beuk on 22-07-2008 09:10

Your soapbox works just fine for this purpose. Nice pic.

Posted by Nosferatumyia on 22-07-2008 09:43

Thanks to Alan Hadley and his freeware CZM!