Thread subject: :: Pegomyia ??

Posted by Philippe moniotte on 30-06-2008 19:56

Is this, as I believe, Pegomyia bicolor (Anthomyidae)?
H?ron (B) June 30th 2008
Thanks for your opinion

Edited by Philippe moniotte on 30-06-2008 20:04

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 30-06-2008 20:30

Pegomya is correct, but prealar is too loog for P. bicolor. Michael key leads to Pegomya steini. This need a confirmation though.

Posted by Philippe moniotte on 30-06-2008 20:36

Again, thanks !

Posted by Michael Ackland on 02-07-2008 09:29

Well spotted Stephane! I think it is probably Pegomya solennis Mg., a common species feeding on Rumex.

I would be reluctant to name female Pegomya's from a photograph, even with the specimen to hand and under the microscope, they can be difficult. I have separated solennis from steini in my key by the possession of only one anteroventral seta on hind tibia (both species have a long prealar seta). Of course these anteroventral setae on hind tibia could easily vary in some specimens, so that for a definite identification one would need to dissect the abdomen.