Thread subject: :: Unknown calyptrate...

Posted by eguzki on 30-06-2008 18:02


Unfortunately I haven't got any better pictures from this one. I don't know that where should I put it. It had visited the flowers in my garden, Hungary.

22nd June, 2008. Smaller sized, 5-7mm long

Edited by eguzki on 01-07-2008 22:21

Posted by Jan Willem on 01-07-2008 08:22

Hi Tomi,
I think you should also change the title for this thread to attract the attention of the "calyptrate people".

Posted by Paul Beuk on 01-07-2008 11:23

Phania funesta?

Posted by eguzki on 01-07-2008 22:15

Jan Willem wrote:
Hi Tomi,
I think you should also change the title for this thread to attract the attention of the "calyptrate people".

You are right Jan, I'll change it!

Edited by eguzki on 01-07-2008 22:15

Posted by eguzki on 01-07-2008 22:20

Paul Beuk wrote:
Phania funesta?

Hello Paul!

I can't really see the strong bristles on abdomen so either it hasn't or not visible well. Unfortunately I have got images only from this angle. Thank you very much for the attention.