Thread subject: :: Dicranomyia goritiensis
Posted by John Bratton on 25-06-2008 11:13
I'm rather disappointed with my camera's macro. This seems to be the best it can manage. At least you can see the characteristic row of dots along Cu1.
D. goritiensis breeds in seepages on coastal cliffs, in this case on the Menai Strait, North Wales. I'll put a habitat photo up in a minute - not sure how folks manage to put two photos in one posting.
Thanks to Susan for reducing the file size.
Posted by John Bratton on 25-06-2008 11:16
That wasn't very successful. I'll try again.
Posted by John Bratton on 25-06-2008 11:18
And with luck, here is the habitat. (Also the habitat of Paracraspedothrix monitvaga, Tachinidae.)
Posted by Philippe moniotte on 25-06-2008 11:58
John Bratton wrote:
I'm rather disappointed with my camera's macro. This seems to be the best it can manage. At least you can see the characteristic row of dots along Cu1.
Hi John,
Is the the macro performance, or is it the lighting ? This kind of picture of a shiny subject on a shiny background is rather tricky anyway. Did you shoot in AF mode ?
Posted by John Bratton on 26-06-2008 18:03
Is AF autofocus? If so, mine doesn't have any other mode. That makes it hopeless for small items, as it is always the background that is in focus.