Thread subject: :: Bombyliidae > Villa

Posted by Isidro on 22-06-2008 20:33

Date: Yesterday.
Location and Habitat: La Pe?a, Huesca, NE Spain, pre-pyrenees, 500 meters high, very warm and hot day. In a zone with prairies and trees (Quercus ilex, Quercus faginea, Pinus sylvestris), in Euphorbia sp. flowers.
Size: about 15-16 mm wingspan.

Could be identified?

Posted by David Gibbs on 23-06-2008 09:04

not by me

Posted by Isidro on 23-06-2008 12:47

Then, by what one? :(:(:(:(
If the best "bombyliologist" can't... I'm lost :(:(:(

Posted by David Gibbs on 23-06-2008 13:49

You can always collect a series including males and females and that will give you a fighting chance.

otherwise i fear you are lost!

there seems to be an impression form some that the Diptera fauna of Europe ia all "worked out". It's not like birds and plants, the Bombylid fauna of southern Europe is not only heaving with undescribed species but even described species are so poorly described that subsequent keys are often wrong. My studies of Usia have shown that every authority, from Becker, Engle Paramonov and even David Greathead, got many of them completely confused.

I have been working on Usia for over 2 years now and have at least as much work to do on these flies alone before i have sorted out all the decades of confusion. If i live to be about 350 then i might get around to doing Villa, then i will be able to answer you question (maybe).

But dont let it get you down, take it as a challenge;)

Posted by Isidro on 24-06-2008 08:40

Any collected, so, it will stay without a name. It's a pity...

This is true for all types of life, not only dipterans. Iberian fauna is much more poorly known than Central European one. But I had a Villa hottentotta identified here, and then I thinked that was possible...

Thanks David