Thread subject: :: Yet another Rhagionid?

Posted by Niek van Wijk on 20-06-2008 07:16

Dear forum,

My garden is presently crowded with - what I believe to be - different Rhagionidae. This morning I found another one which allowed me to take three pictures.
Is identification possible with these pictures?

Best regards, Niek

Posted by Niek van Wijk on 20-06-2008 07:17

second picture

Posted by Niek van Wijk on 20-06-2008 07:18

third picture

Posted by Paul Beuk on 20-06-2008 19:42

Rhagio lineola?

Posted by Niek van Wijk on 20-06-2008 20:15

Dear Paul,

Thank you for your reply. It would then (probably) be the same species as in my previous thread
I thought them to be different, but perhaps that is caused by the different light conditions when taking the picture.

Best regards, Niek