Thread subject: :: Moroccan Bombyliidae ?Exhyalanthrax?

Posted by Guillermo Booth Rea on 18-06-2008 17:44

I would be very pleased if somebody could identify this one.

Aprox. 2 cm large.
Shot in semiarid scrubland with halofite plants at around 700 masl in Telat-Azlaf in eastern Rif, Marocco.

Posted by David Gibbs on 19-06-2008 09:25

not one i know, does look like Exhyalanthrax but 2cm is very large for this genus and face too retreating, probably Villa or close genus.

Posted by Guillermo Booth Rea on 19-06-2008 09:36

Hi David,

I was looking at the photos of Exhyalanthrax and I thought this one looked like them, but I had no idea of the size they usually have. You are right that it could be Villa. Let see if some other expert knows.

Thanks a lot,


Posted by Guillermo Booth Rea on 25-06-2008 16:40

Another go. Could this be Villa?