Thread subject: :: Turkish Tabanids 3: Glaucops hirsutus? ->Tabanus quatuornotatus

Posted by Cor Zonneveld on 17-06-2008 19:13

28 May, in Taurus mountains, near Uzuncaburc. altitude ca 1000 m, limestone mountains. Dry spring bedding with patch of water due to broken water hose. Pine forest nearby, else open mountain landscape.

Looks very much (to me) like Glaucops hirsutus. Is this correct? Male with two band per eye, female with three?

Edited by Cor Zonneveld on 14-08-2008 17:25

Posted by Cor Zonneveld on 17-06-2008 19:13

portrait of female?

Posted by Cor Zonneveld on 17-06-2008 19:14


Posted by Cor Zonneveld on 24-07-2008 22:12

Theo, any comments?

Posted by Zeegers on 25-07-2008 14:17

Yes, great job !

It is Glaucops, but I\m not sure whether it is hirsutus.
This species is not known from Turkey.
From south-east Turkey G. hakkariensis has been described by Schacht, 1983.
Both are very similar.
I would need specimens to get a sound ID. Which would be great .

Did you collect any ?


Posted by Cor Zonneveld on 25-07-2008 17:37

I hate to disappoint you, but alas, no specimens...

Actually, even photography seems to be already an illegal activity! Let alone collecting something. That is, without a Turkish guide :D Not that anyone is aware of that law...

Posted by Zeegers on 25-07-2008 18:14

Well, that is most unfortunate.

(the 'nobody is aware'-part is highly incorrect, by the way, several people have lost all their collected material in east Turkey).

It looks like G. hirsutus but I'm not gonna add this species to the Turkish list based on this pictures.

Any chance of some coordinates of the locaility, even if rough ?


Posted by Zeegers on 25-07-2008 18:19

Is it north of Silifke ?

And any dorsal pic of the male, no matter how bad, would greatly help.



Posted by Cor Zonneveld on 12-08-2008 16:35

Hi Theo,

Very sorry that I didn't check this thread after your two last posts! (But my neglect was not intentional, I may add as a poor excuse.)

OK, this is the best I have on the male. (You asked for bad photo's, so you get one! Actually, this one figured on a photograph of Vespa orientalis!!)

Coordinates: I'll ask for them. It's indeed north of Silifke.

Posted by Cor Zonneveld on 12-08-2008 17:04

No! I can do better than that! Obviously, I?m still processing all the material I have...

Posted by Cor Zonneveld on 12-08-2008 17:06

almost similar, but I don?t know what you?re looking for!

Posted by Zeegers on 12-08-2008 20:57

OK, bad news:

the eyes are hairy, I could have noted that earlier, but it is obvious in these males. Glaucops has bare eyes.
So exit Glaucops, need to reconsider this one though.


Posted by Zeegers on 13-08-2008 22:21

It is easy to miss, but in the female the subcallus is shiny black.

So it is Tabanus quatuornotatus.

Nice to see the male


Posted by Cor Zonneveld on 14-08-2008 17:29

Wow, Tabanidae are tricky!

First, what is the subcallus?

Second: it doesn't look Tabanus-like at all! Is there a range of species that gradually change from typical Tabanus into Glaucops?

Third: I gues T. quatuornotatus is known from Turkey?

Finally: many thanks for your detective work!!

Edited by Cor Zonneveld on 14-08-2008 17:34

Posted by Zeegers on 14-08-2008 17:40

Subcallus: part of head just above antennal base, in Tabanidae a separate structure (plate). Usually dusted, blackish subcallus is always an important feature.
It does not look like Tabanus bromius, but it is Tabanus-like ! It should be: Glaucops itself is so Tabanuslike that it might be included, according to some, in Tabanus.
third: yes, all the way to Iran etc.
