Thread subject: :: Bombyliidae > Usia?

Posted by Isidro on 14-06-2008 09:26

8th June 2008. M?laga, south corner of Spain. Habitat: exclusively found in the fondndess of a Malva or Lavatera flowers. Size: it's the smallest bombylid that I've seen ever: about 2-3 mm without wings or proboscis.

Note: is completely black, the white spots are pollen grains.

Posted by David Gibbs on 14-06-2008 11:26

Usia aff. pusilla, this one probably an undescribed species. rather common, usually you find two species together, pusilla and this undescribed species, they also love Campanula and Convolvulus.

Posted by Isidro on 14-06-2008 12:46

Wow! What a surprise! If I knew it I would collect one...