Posted by Ben Hamers on 18-12-2004 18:06
Lets try to help you dipterists through the weekend. This old warrior I saw near Vijlen, X 2004.
Edited by Ben Hamers on 21-05-2012 22:09
Posted by Paul Beuk on 18-12-2004 20:05
Has the makings of a
Tachina species. It is either
T. fera or
T. magnicornis, but the colour of the fore and mid tarsi of left and right legs are in this view not the same. The left mid tarsi appears all brownish red, and that would indicate
T. fera. When Theo visits he may confirm the identity.
Edited by Paul Beuk on 18-12-2004 20:06
Posted by Zeegers on 19-12-2004 18:22
Thank you.
I agree with Paul, but cannot give a definite identification.
The shape of the third antennal segment suggests a female of magnicornis, as does the blackish colouration on parafrontalia.
A record from october is quite late (but then again, not impossible).
So definitely a female of Tachina ss., possibly magnicornis
Theo Zeegers