Thread subject: :: Tiny Fly Visiting Crocus Flower

Posted by Stephen on 29-03-2006 00:56

Lots and lots of these little flies were visiting crocus. The flies measured 4 mm not counting the antennae.

It is good to see the insects out feeding after what seems like a long winter.

ID help appreciated!

Date was 27 March 2006. Location: West Virginia, USA.

Edited by Stephen on 29-03-2006 01:13

Posted by Juergen Peters on 29-03-2006 02:43

Hello, Stephen!

I'm no expert and I don't know the nearctic diptera fauna, but I think I can already say that this fly belongs to the family Empididae ("dance flies").

Posted by Paul Beuk on 29-03-2006 07:00

It appears to be a small species of Rhamphomyia. I am not familiar with the Nearctic fauna so I will not hazard a guess to what species it might be.

Posted by Stephen on 29-03-2006 11:09

Juergen, Paul, thanks very much for the ID!