Posted by Xespok on 03-06-2008 14:08
Anyone has any idea on the family? This creature surely looks strange. Should be a Nematoceran. The closest I get is Chironomidae, but it does not look like one. Photographed on the mediterranean sea shore.
Edited by Xespok on 03-06-2008 14:11
Posted by Tony Irwin on 03-06-2008 20:03
Chironomidae - most of the marine species tend to look a bit odd.
Posted by Xespok on 03-06-2008 22:22
Tony, can you suggest genera that live in salty habitats? Is this restricted to one subfamily?
Posted by Tony Irwin on 04-06-2008 20:04
I only know about the British chrionomids (and then not very much! :D)
In the Orthocladiinae the genera
Halocladius and
Thalassosmittia are marine and in the Telmatogetoninae
Telmatogeton and
Thalassomya are marine. Your picture is not
Clunio, which is a very aberrant species, but I couldn't say what it is at present, particularly as there may be other marine genera present in the Mediterranean. All of the genera above (with the exception of
Telmatogeton) appear to occur in Croatia.
Edited by Tony Irwin on 04-06-2008 20:04