Posted by Juergen Peters on 30-05-2008 02:17
I assume this 7 mm fly at the light last night (northwest Germany) is a Muscid. But which genus?
Phaonia? Or a small
Polietes? (Looks a bit like
Muscina, too, from size and general look, but there is no bend in M-vein and no reddish scutellum tip.)
Edited by Juergen Peters on 30-05-2008 02:19
Posted by Juergen Peters on 30-05-2008 18:31
Hello, Stephane!
Stephane Lebrun wrote:
The proclinate orbital setae on frons rules any Phaonia out. This is a small Polietes.
Thanks! I know them mostly from autumn (and bigger).