Thread subject: :: Little green fly

Posted by Niek van Wijk on 25-05-2008 10:49

Dear forum,

I photographed this small fly - ~6 mm - today in my garden and find it difficult finding a family. I thought of Stratiomyidae but read that the legs of this family are not bristly.
Can anyone give me a name?

Best regards, Niek

Posted by Niek van Wijk on 25-05-2008 10:50

second picture

Posted by crex on 25-05-2008 11:11


Posted by Niek van Wijk on 25-05-2008 11:31

Dear Crex,

Thank you very much,

Best regards, Niek

Posted by Igor Grichanov on 26-05-2008 11:47

Mass flight of Dolichopus ungulatus (Linnaeus, 1758) all over Europe

Posted by Niek van Wijk on 26-05-2008 12:21

Dear Igor,

Thank you very much for the identification.

Best regards,