Posted by Niek van Wijk on 23-05-2008 19:13
Dear forum,
I took this picture today in my garden. The fly resembles a fly which I photographed earlier this year and which was identified here as Hydrophoria lancifer. But on this one I noticed two strong upright setae on the back which were not visible on the earlier picture. Is Hydrophoria lancifer correct?
Best regards, Niek
Posted by Michael Ackland on 23-05-2008 22:14
Probably is Hydrophoria lancifer; the apical scutellar bristles (or at least one of them) seem to be bent upwards, perhaps damaged
Posted by Niek van Wijk on 24-05-2008 06:09
Dear Michael,
Thank you very much for your reply.
Looking back at what I wrote above I should have written ...which was identified here as a PROBABLE.....
Beste regards, Niek