Thread subject: :: Bibionidae - male eyes
Posted by Tony T on 22-05-2008 13:54
21 May 2008, NB, Canada
Bibio sp. Note the interesting eyes, dorsal large facets occupying about 1/2 the head and much smaller ventral portion with smaller facets.
Posted by Sue Southway on 22-05-2008 15:10
amazing photographs, Tony, I hadn't realised just how hairy they are!!
Posted by Tony T on 22-05-2008 21:48
Thanks Sue. The most difficult part of these photos is trying to get rid of all the dust and junk that ends up in the hairs. I can still see a couple of pieces in the hairs on the eyes. But why do they have such long hairs?
Posted by pierred on 23-05-2008 05:36
Congratulations, and thanks for sharing.