Posted by eguzki on 17-05-2008 11:10
This fly sat on a leaf of quince in my garden. My first guess was that it is a Tabanid fly but the dense fur on thorax and in front of its eyes prompted me to change my previous opinion to Therevid. If it is a Therevid indeed, this specimen is the first I have observed and taken photos of this family. Approximately 15mm long. Identifiable further? Thank you in advance!
Edited by eguzki on 17-05-2008 21:27
Posted by Xespok on 17-05-2008 21:21
Possibly Thereva sp male. But males are difficult in this family.
Posted by Xespok on 17-05-2008 21:32
I got it. I'll contact you soon. After my web provider went down, my computer had a hard drive failure. I hope I can get things straight in a couple of weeks, I'll come back to the issue.