Thread subject: :: Therevidae?

Posted by Niek van Wijk on 10-05-2008 08:28

Dear forum,

I took this picture today in my garden. Is Therevidae correct and can it be further identified?

Best regards, Niek

Posted by eguzki on 10-05-2008 08:41

Hello Niek!

As far as I can consider from your picture it is not Therevidae but an Empididae. Let's wait for the experts.

Posted by Niek van Wijk on 10-05-2008 08:59

Dear Tomi,

I think you are right. I must have had a black-out or something like that: I photographed several Empididae recently and I cannot understand why I did not recognise this one!

Best regards, Niek

Posted by ChrisR on 10-05-2008 09:10

Looks like the fly I saw that was identified as Empis tessellata but perhaps one of the experts could confirm or deny that - there are some similar species :)

Posted by Niek van Wijk on 10-05-2008 09:53

I am still puzzled. Syndrom of Korsakoff?

Posted by Andre on 10-05-2008 10:22

Empis tessellata indeed :) [Empidae]
Niek: Therevidae have no (visible) mouthparts. Empis sp. however, have very long mouthparts, as you can see on this picture. Empis mainly feeds on flowers, but also attack little insects.
Other Empidae, like Rhamphomyia sp. and Hilara sp., also have longer mouthparts, but shorter than in Empis sp.

Posted by Niek van Wijk on 10-05-2008 10:34

Dear Andre,

Thank you for the determination.

Best regards, Niek