Posted by Rui Andrade on 07-05-2008 19:22
I'm sorry for posting 6 photos in this thread, but I'm a little confused. While I was photographing these flies, at first I thought I was photographing only one species. Now, after getting home, it feels like they're different species (maybe 2 or 3?). Can you help me, please?
All the photos were taken in the same spot.
location: Barcelos, Portugal
date: 07/05/2008
Posted by Zeegers on 08-05-2008 18:50
Well, no different species, different sexes ! Males and females.
Third one is female.
Females cannot be identified (with a few exceptions) and males are difficult.
As far as I can tell, this is either M. argyrocephala or just maybe M. tshernovae.
Posted by Rui Andrade on 08-05-2008 20:59
I didn't even thought they could be female and male. Thank you very much for your help Theo;).