Posted by Josef Buecker on 03-05-2008 19:47
Hello Forum,
this fly is from May 2nd 2008. It was on a leaf of Holcus lanatus when I found it. For a better photo shooting, I placed the (not flying) fly on my jacket. Locality: Hagen, (NRW, Germany), 175 m above sea level, in the area of an artificial alder marshland.
I think, it should be one of the Bibionidae. Right? Is a closer ID possible?
Best regards, Josef
Posted by Zeegers on 03-05-2008 20:55
Empis ciliata, ... often taken for the Bibionidae. So you are not the first in this mistake.
Note the long rostrum.
Posted by Zeegers on 04-05-2008 17:16
For that, you'll need an Empis expert.