Posted by Robert Heemskerk on 30-04-2008 22:31
hi flyforum,
This fly 'looks a bit' like Phaonia fuscata, but I have doubts..
The room betwen the eyes is small.
The 'smokey' R-M is a small stripe of smoke..
I don't see the stripes on the abdomen which P. fuscata got.
Legs are long and the abdomen elongated.
IS it Musca sp.?
On the midtibia I count 4 bristlehairs.
Edited by Robert Heemskerk on 30-04-2008 22:32
Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 01-05-2008 09:08
Hi Robert,
this is not
Phaonia fuscata, which male has broader frons and more infuscated crossveins. This could be a male of
Phaonia palpata with these elongated but hair-like presutural acrostichals and bicolour legs, but I can't be sure without seeing many other details like prealar length etc.
Edited by Stephane Lebrun on 01-05-2008 09:27