Thread subject: :: Unknown Tephritidae

Posted by Alvesgaspar on 27-04-2008 23:36

I suspect this is a quite difficult family... Any idea of the species? Found in the southwest coast of Portugal, April 2008.


Joaquim Gaspar

Posted by Nosferatumyia on 28-04-2008 08:29

There are 2 similar species in the Pyrenean Peninsula, a widespread Tephritis bardanae (Schrank) and more western Mediterranean T. zernyi Hendel. Both live in Arctium spp. but differ in shrter or longer ovipositor. This is a male, which cannot be determined more precisely.

Edited by Nosferatumyia on 28-04-2008 08:29

Posted by Alvesgaspar on 28-04-2008 09:07

Thank you, Valery. Here is another view (a poor photo, sorry) with the abdomen shown.

Posted by Nosferatumyia on 29-04-2008 07:55

It is a girl! And it is T. formosa Loew! Mea culpa!

Edited by Nosferatumyia on 29-04-2008 07:56