Thread subject: :: Diptera? from Japan

Posted by Xespok on 21-02-2006 20:04

I am not sure whether this is a Diptera or a Hymenoptera. Very small, around 1.5 mm. The antennae look a little bit suspicious for a Brachycera.

Edited by Xespok on 21-02-2006 20:09

Posted by Maddin on 21-02-2006 20:56

This is clearly no Diptera. It is a parasitic Chalcodoidea wasp. And this is a very difficult group with many undescribed species...

Posted by Paul Beuk on 21-02-2006 21:11

It has the feel of Encyrtidae, but my guess is as good as anyone else's.

Posted by Xespok on 22-02-2006 10:53


Yes, Hymenoptera is very difficult. Especially the parasitic wasps.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 22-02-2006 11:08

Well, with the build of this species, it is clear that it is Chalcidoidea. The family then becomes tricky, but the shape of the antennae (especially the last flagellar segments) resembles that of other Encyrtidae I have seen.