Thread subject: :: Limoniidae

Posted by Josef Buecker on 25-04-2008 16:03

Hello forum,

this fly a found on April 22nd 2008 in Hagen (D, NRW). The site is about 175 m above sea level and is characterized by an artificial alder marshland.

I think, it should be Limnophila punctata. Right? Wrong? Please help!

Best wishes, Josef

Posted by kitenet on 25-04-2008 23:08

Your photo looks very like my specimen of Limnophila punctata :). However, the UK key by Alan Stubbs includes a non-UK species, Limnophila arnoudi, that is apparently very similar :@, distinguished on features at the tip of the abdomen and in the genitalia. Fauna Europaea lists L. arnoudi as present in Germany.
