Thread subject: :: Costa Rican Diogmites ID?

Posted by Odephoto on 24-04-2008 21:22

Does anyone know which species of Diogmites this might be? (or could you point me to an appropriate resource). It was found on the Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica (pacific tropical wet lowland forest) on March 5. It was very large for a Diogmites (compared to those species in the eastern US) though I did not collect it. To borrow a term from Herschel Raney, I've been calling this one Deathshead Diogmites.

Thanks for the help

Posted by Odephoto on 24-04-2008 21:23

Another image

Posted by Eric Fisher on 25-04-2008 01:57


Very nice picts of Smeryngolaphria numitor. This large asilid (in the Laphriinae - so not closely related to Diogmites) is found in wet, lowland forests of Central America (s. Mexico to Panama).

Posted by Susan R Walter on 25-04-2008 08:44

Since we have a definite ID, can we have these photos in the gallery Steve?

Posted by Odephoto on 25-04-2008 14:44

Certainly Susan. Thank you very much for the help Eric!