Thread subject: :: Tipulidae

Posted by Eric Steckx on 20-02-2006 11:51

I know very few about Tipulidae and that seems very difficult.
Is it possible or not to go deeper with this picture I took in Belgium (Genus ? species ?). What are the things to see in this family ?
Thanks for your help.
?ric Steckx

Posted by Chen Young on 21-02-2006 17:49

My guess would be a female of Tipula (Tipula) species based on the appearance. Be aware of the fact that I am not familiar with the European crane flies fauna. Some of the characters to watch for on crane flies are antennae, wing venation, male genitalia.

Posted by Eric Steckx on 21-02-2006 20:07

Thank you Chen
According to "Fauna Europeae", there are only three species of Tipula (Tipula) in my country (Belgium) : paludosa, oleracea and subcunctans.
I found nothing about description of the third one in my books nor on the web.
With a wide space between the eyes and wings rather long (they seem shorter only because the incidence), I would then guess Tipula (Tipula) oleracea.
I read that these two species were introduced to USA, so your opinion would be relevant.
If necessary, I'll post closer vues on the head or on the wings, but tomorrow (not at home this evening).