Thread subject: :: Tachinidae

Posted by Sundew on 21-04-2008 19:49

I suppose today I saw the same species as in Cor Zonneveld's thread (http://www.dipter...d_id=12378), however, the scutellum of mine was grey. So I would also like to know its name, if possible. I thought of Nemorilla floralis because of the pattern and the hairy eyes, but there are probably much more species that are superficially similar (if I only knew them!)
Thanks, Sundew

Posted by Zeegers on 21-04-2008 20:18

Whatever it is, it is not Nemorilla, the antennae don't match


Posted by Sundew on 21-04-2008 21:24

Because the second segment is not enough elongated? Hmmm... And not a Phryxe like those in Cor's thread? So really just Tachinidae spec. - how discouraging. There were several of them active; which details should necessarily be on a photo? I could try once more.