Posted by Philippe moniotte on 21-04-2008 19:38
There were hundreds, even thousands of those running on the ground in the leaf litter in the Bois de Lauzelle, Louvain la neuve (Belgium) this afternoon, April 21 2008. I take it the short-winged, big-eyed individuals are the males and the other ones the females of the same species (?)
They were quite unwilling to fly, but kept running busily and clumsily on the ground.
My first thought was Bibio marci, but they do not seem to have the typical front leg shape.
Size was approx. 8 and 10 mm respectively
Any suggestion ?
Posted by Zeegers on 21-04-2008 20:17
Penthetria funebris, the wingless Bibionid (or Pleciidae, if you take it as a seperate family)
Posted by Philippe moniotte on 21-04-2008 20:49
Thanks a lot for your (fast) replies, Theo!
As for this one, "funebris" to be sure, but "wingless" is a bit hard on the poor critter !;)
Posted by Zeegers on 22-04-2008 18:53
The male has strongly reduced wings.
Both sexes are flightless.