Thread subject: :: A very small midged ??

Posted by javanerkelens on 20-04-2008 20:54

I'm always confused how to cal these very little things....midged of gnats or mosquito's...:(
But anyway...does anyone know in what familie it belonges?
I take it today and he had been caught in a web, and the sice was 1-2mm.
Mayby Chironomidae..

Greatings Joke

Edited by javanerkelens on 20-04-2008 21:03

Posted by Sundew on 20-04-2008 21:07

Cecidomyiidae? A midge at least...

Edited by Sundew on 20-04-2008 21:08

Posted by Kahis on 20-04-2008 21:17

Cecidomyiidae - gall midges

Posted by javanerkelens on 20-04-2008 21:32

Aha...Cecidomyiidae! (I thougt that they had very long antenae and legs, but it seems, a little shorter can also ..:D)

Many thanks both...


Posted by Xespok on 21-04-2008 08:33

Females typically have much shorter antennae than males in this family.

Posted by javanerkelens on 21-04-2008 21:14

Females typically have much shorter antennae than males in this family

I wil make a note of it !!
(I saw today many of them and I find them so nice whit those little red behinds (tergites) and soooo very small) :D
You don't have to by big to by beautiful!

Greatings Joke