Thread subject: :: what could this be?

Posted by Robert Heemskerk on 16-02-2006 18:10

hello insektforum,

This little 'fly(?)', was sitting on the oleanderplant.
size about 3 mm, on the picture you see it from underneath.
Or is it a louse male?
Could it be a male louse, one of the lousespecie I found on this plant before(see Oleander and lice-topic)

maiby I have to search it in the Psocidae-direction..

regards, robert heemskerk

Edited by Robert Heemskerk on 16-02-2006 18:15

Posted by Paul Beuk on 16-02-2006 21:38

Order Psocoptera.

Posted by Robert Heemskerk on 16-02-2006 23:25

thank you Paul! :)

It got two pair of wings and big bowed antenne

Edited by Robert Heemskerk on 17-02-2006 15:36