Thread subject: :: Rhamphomyia laevipes?

Posted by conopid on 16-04-2008 09:43

Hello All,
I have used Collin (1961) to determine the Rhamphomyia in the photos. I have concluded that it is R laevipes. Does it look right?

Found at Salix flowers in UK on 14 April.

Edited by conopid on 16-04-2008 09:47

Posted by conopid on 16-04-2008 09:44

Here is a close up of the genitalia - note I pulled out the genitalia, so the penis is more exposed than it would be naturally.

Edited by conopid on 16-04-2008 09:46

Posted by conopid on 16-04-2008 09:46

And here is a close up of the proboscis and palp.