Thread subject: :: mosquito damaged by a mould

Posted by javanerkelens on 11-04-2008 20:32

This mosquito has been damaged by a mould , but can someone see wich mosquito it has been ?

The sice was about 4-5mm and the photo was teaken last year by my sister.

Greating Joke

Posted by Tony T on 11-04-2008 21:14

The humped thorax and general shape reminds me more of a Simuliidae than a mosquito.

Posted by javanerkelens on 11-04-2008 21:50

We also thought that it could by a Simuliidae (my sister and I), but the antenae has more then 11 lids, so it can't by a Simuliidae.
We thought at many genus, but mayby its to must changed to get any ID, but I thought I give it a try....:D

Greating Joke

Posted by Tony Irwin on 12-04-2008 09:56

I think this looks more like Ceratopogonidae