Posted by John Bratton on 08-04-2008 16:43
My first fly picture with my first digital camera. Not a prize-winner but I hope it is good enough.
I think this is Pallopteridae, and if so it keys to P. ustulata. But there is now P. anderssoni to consider. Is it possible to separate females of these species, please?
It was caught August 2006 in oak woodland beside the Menai Strait, North Wales, UK. Body length is 5 mm. It is in alcohol.
John Bratton
Posted by John Bratton on 08-04-2008 16:44
Another picture, better showing the wing shape.
Posted by David Gibbs on 08-04-2008 17:57
females not certainly identifiable
more info on
usulata females tend to have more yellow ppl but dont rely on that.