Thread subject: :: "Basic" Pollenia

Posted by Tony T on 08-04-2008 17:04

7 April 2008, New Brunswick, Canada

Setae a little less complex than that seen in female P. vagabunda

This is the 'basic' pattern seen in males of Pollenia based on the text and figures (especially Fig. 78) in Whitworth.
- no dark median thoracic stripe
- 1 inner posthumeral seta
- 2 humeral setae - perhaps a 3rd much smaller seta in this male

Posted by Susan R Walter on 10-04-2008 21:41

So when are you going to start making posters for our walls? :p

Posted by Tony T on 11-04-2008 01:35

Susan R Walter wrote:
So when are you going to start making posters for our walls? :p

Let me know what you would like; e-mail me or PM:D