Thread subject: :: Tipulid or Limonia?
Posted by cebe on 05-04-2008 16:12
Yesterday I had several of them in my garden in Brussels. The body-size is 17 mm.
Is it a tipulid or a Limonia.
When flying, the abdomen seems orange:
Less then 14 segments of antennae so not Limonia?
Posted by AndreVrijens on 05-04-2008 19:53
I should say Tipulidae due to the length of the palps
Posted by kitenet on 08-04-2008 23:35
This looks like a good match for
Tipula (subgenus
rufina - the dark stripe along the side of the thorax is characteristic, and it is a common early spring cranefly in the UK. Perhaps
Tipula cf. rufina is safest B).
Edited by kitenet on 08-04-2008 23:35
Posted by Toby on 10-04-2008 21:56
thanks, that does look good for a provisional ID.