Posted by javanerkelens on 05-04-2008 14:15
I found today a almost wingles fly.
I first thought it was an ant, but it walked like a fly, so I put it in a little box and made some photo's of it.
It was very fast running around, so the photo's are not very sharp.
The size is 3mm
Mayby it is a Sciomyzidae, but I don't know for sure.
Greatings Joke
Edited by javanerkelens on 05-04-2008 15:11
Posted by javanerkelens on 05-04-2008 15:07
Thanks for the fast answer!
But is it common for that species that the wings are so short, or is it a invalid species ??
(I can't fined any other photo of it, and I don't have a key of Chloropidae that I can look into)
Greatings Joke
Posted by Paul Beuk on 05-04-2008 15:24
The name 'brevipennis' mean 'short wings'. It is not uncommon for flies that have a pedestrial way of life in an environment with many obstructions (dense vegations, underground) or in an environment with few pedators to have reduced wings.