Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 04-04-2008 21:08
April 03, 2008, Naro-Fominsk, Moscow region, Russia.
One of the smallest flies I ever photographed, size less than 1.5 mm.
I'm almost sure about the genus name, but it doesn't fit any species in my key...
Subject changed from Hyadina to Nostima picta.
Edited by Dmitry Gavryushin on 05-04-2008 07:55
Posted by Tony Irwin on 04-04-2008 21:50
It certainly looks like
Nostima picta - the silvery stripe along the side of the thorax and continuing onto the orbit is fairly diagnostic. Two pairs of dc are normal for picta (although some workers call the posterior pair prescutellars, pointing out that they are slightly out of line with the rest - I call them dcs however - sometimes you can get too picky about the origin of bristles or wing veins or whatever!)
Posted by Kahis on 05-04-2008 18:34
This is actually on of my favourite microflies, mostly because it was one of the first very small ones I found and identified. Lovely racing stripes :)