Thread subject: :: Muscidae?
Posted by Josef Buecker on 31-03-2008 18:47
Hello Forum,
here a fly from the alder marshlands in Hagen (NRW, D), 175 m above sea level. The picture was taken on March 30th 2008. The fly sat on a metall fence that is around the marshland area.
I have no real idea, which fly it might be! Is there anybody who can help?
Best regards
Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 31-03-2008 19:06
By the general "jizz" I'd say
Phaonia subventa, Muscidae.
Posted by Josef Buecker on 01-04-2008 12:22
What do you mean by "jizz"? That sounds rather "vulgar" to me.
and: Thank you for the ID!
Posted by crex on 01-04-2008 12:33
Jizz! B)
Posted by phil withers on 01-04-2008 12:37
"Jizz" is the indefinable cumulation of small clues which give an animal (or thing) its identity: it is used all the time to identify a fly in the field when it shows itself for three seconds and flies off over a tree...
Posted by Josef Buecker on 01-04-2008 12:57
So I am satisfied. I was rather exicited, because I looked for translation here.
Thank you crex and phil
and Sorry: Stephane