Thread subject: :: Ulidiidae

Posted by zcuc on 31-03-2008 00:37

Looks like a female but I don't know the genus.

Edited by zcuc on 31-03-2008 01:11

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 31-03-2008 00:48

A beauty!! Ulidiidae.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 31-03-2008 00:50

around some Otites? Valery will tell more, or even John Smit. :D

Posted by zcuc on 31-03-2008 01:11

I don't know exaclly what is Otites buy I found this in a field of Euphorbia helioscopia inside oak forest. :D

Edited by zcuc on 31-03-2008 01:12

Posted by Nosferatumyia on 31-03-2008 09:07

It IS NOT an Otites sp. There are at least 4 species with hyaline wings in the Mediterranean Region, O.?anthomyina Hendel; O.?mucescens Hendel; O.?cinerosa Hendel; and O.?approximata Hendel. However, body ornamentation in all of them consist of roundish black dots over gray microtomentum.

Its elongate frons and parafacials are more typical for Dorycera spp., which is, IMHO, just a fragment of Otites.

In Dorycera, this species is similar to D. judaea Hendel. Hanan Ackerman from Tel Aviv University started some 10 years ago his PhD project aimed to revise the whole genus, and all (97-98%!) of material existed in European museums were borrowed by Amnon Freidberg for him. So far, no results were ever published - exept Amnon showed a presentation at the Geneva Tephritidologists' meeting in 2004.

According to that, Dorycera includes some 30 species, mostly in the Mediterranean and Near East regions, and some 15 of them are being described now.

So, please ask Amnon and Hanan for determination.