Thread subject: :: Tachinidae - Gymnochaeta sp.
Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 30-03-2008 03:43
* locality - Silgueiros - Viseu - PORTUGAL
* date - 2008.03.29
* size - 10 mm (big fly)
* habitat - woodland, near river
* substrate - on Pinus bark sunbathing
Today I saw about 5 Gymnochaeta cf. viridis. The first time I saw Gymnochaeta
Do you agree that the next photos show us the G. viridis? :)
Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 30-03-2008 12:36
Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 30-03-2008 03:44
Posted by Zeegers on 30-03-2008 09:54
Yes, correct, only Gymnochaeta on the Iberian peninsula
Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 30-03-2008 12:34
I saw that it is used many times the synonym (?) Gymnocheta and not the correct (?) Gymnochaeta.
*Gymnocheta Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
Gymnochaeta ; (missp.?)
Gymnocheta (Linnaemyini) ; [FiDip] IN
tells Gymnichaeta could be a misspelling.. So I'm not sure now. Can you clarify this, please, Theo?
Thank you.
Posted by Zeegers on 30-03-2008 16:27
Let me repeat: I do correct evident misspellings, even if this might not be allowed by the taxonomic police.
Gymnocheta simply gives me a headache and is therefore bad for my health. But anyone how persists in writing Gymnocheta: be my guest.
I write Gymnochaeta, like the late Benno Herting did.
Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 30-03-2008 16:35
Thanks Theo.
You confirmed my idea about the correct name. :)
There are some errors even in the untrusty faunaeur like those wrote by Rondani. :S
Posted by pierred on 30-03-2008 18:24
jorgemotalmeida wrote:There are some errors even in the untrusty faunaeur like those wrote by Rondani. :S
You mean
Roondany, the man who made spelling errors faster than he wrote ?
By the way, St?phane (Grapelli), not the dipterist we like, when he was in the States, recorded several disks under the name Grapelly because he disliked to be named grapelai.
Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 30-03-2008 18:35
yep, that guy: "Roondany" :P that has many errors.
Authors, like Rondani, in particular, had a very bad spelling of Greek and Latin. For example: he spelled Italian, writing the letter
e instead of
ae (like Gymnoch
Gymnochaeta as Theo confirmed) and
mya instead of
myia (example: Rhyncho
mya - that appears in the faunaeur BUT THE CORRECT is
Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 30-03-2008 19:00
Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 30-03-2008 18:37
For those who don't know who is Rondani (really
R?ndani) I'm referring to this one:
Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 30-03-2008 18:55
Posted by pierred on 30-03-2008 20:16
jorgemotalmeida wrote:
Rondani, in particular, had a very bad spelling of Greek and Latin. For example: he spelled Italian, writing the letter e instead of ae
When the simplification of the italian orthography happened (which is not a bad thing per se), it was rather difficult to keep together the ethymology and the orthography.
I hope I made less than the average number of errors in my sentence.