Thread subject: :: Anthomyiidae?

Posted by Susan R Walter on 05-02-2006 18:34

I think this is an Anthomyiid, possibly Delia radicum, but would like to feel more confident about it with some help from the forum. It seems lots of people are seeing very similar flies just at the moment.

Specimen taken 28.1.06 in a cemetery in East London that is now a nature reserve. Sorry about the somewhat rubbish photo - we are still struggling with some techical difficulties with the camera. Also doesn't help that she's been in a specimen jar in my fridge for a week and the fungus is starting to consume her!

Posted by Kahis on 05-02-2006 18:53

It is a female anthomyiid and my first feeling was also Delia. Getting a correct species name may well be impossbile without a matching male. Many females in Delia (and other genera) are still undescribed and possibly indeterminable.

Posted by Susan R Walter on 06-02-2006 13:47

Thanks so much Kahis - I must admit, I did think taking it to species level was pushing my luck, but one lives in hope. Both specimens I caught were female, but I think it is a very common species in that spot, so no doubt at some stage I will get a male and we might get a bit further forward.