Thread subject: :: Tachinidae to identify...

Posted by pilonm on 22-03-2008 17:10


Here is 2 pictures of a Tachinidae fly taken in East Angus, Quebec (near Vermont) last August.

Can we identify the genus and maybe the species???

Thank you very much for your great help!!!

Quebec, Canada

Posted by ChrisR on 22-03-2008 18:03

If it was in Europe I'd say Tachina grossa ... but as it's in Canada I'd say contact Jim O'Hara ;) (I have him email if you need it)

Posted by pilonm on 22-03-2008 18:08

Hello Chris,

but as it's in Canada I'd say contact Jim O'Hara (I have him email if you need it)

Yes, please... I will really appreciate :)



Posted by ChrisR on 22-03-2008 18:12

PM sent :)

Posted by pilonm on 22-03-2008 18:42

Thank you very much Chris,

I will contact him...

I'm personnally hesitating between Pararchytas decisus and Pararchytas hammondi...



Posted by ChrisR on 22-03-2008 19:21

You, and your north american cousins certainly have an interesting tachinid fauna - good luck with the identification :D

Posted by pilonm on 04-04-2008 22:51

Hello Chris,

Finally I got an answer from Jim O'Hara... :) :) :)

He confirmed me the id: It is Parachytas decisus... :)

Here is his answer:

"I have compared your pictures with specimens in the Canadian National Collection of Insects and your species is indeed Pararchytas decisus (Walker). Your specimen is a female.


In many tachinids, there are two downwardly pointing bristles on the upper head outside the normal row of bristles and a bit above the level of the antennal base that are present in females but not males. They are visible in your photos."

Thank you again Chris for your great help!!!


Posted by ChrisR on 05-04-2008 02:08

Glad you got the answer you were hoping for! :D Thank you for letting us see such wonderful flies from so far away :)