Thread subject: :: Muscidae?

Posted by Urs on 20-03-2008 09:40

is it possible to determinate this fly?

Foto: Switzerland, Wattwil SG, 750m NN, 29. Mai

Thank you


Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 20-03-2008 09:55

I'd say Anthomyiidae, something like Hydrophoria/Hylemya

Posted by Michael Ackland on 20-03-2008 10:34

I'dagree Anthomyiidae, but can't go further than that because even enlarging the photo does not show if the arista are plumose or bare. The former would suggest Hydrophoria or Hylemya. Can't see the lower calypter either, or the hind tibia setae.

Posted by Urs on 20-03-2008 17:06

Hello Nikita and Michael,

thank you for your help and the infos about Anthomyiidae.
