Posted by Urs on 17-03-2008 12:29
is this the female of Neomyia cornicina?
Foto: Switzerland, Wattwil SG, 750m NN, 30. Mai
Thank you for any help.
Posted by Kahis on 17-03-2008 13:15
Neomyia is correct, but this is the 2nd European species,
Neomyia viridescens. The two species are easily separated by the setae on the back of the fly:
Neomyia viridescens has four dorsocentral setae behind the suture,
cornicina has three.
viridescens lack presutural acrostichal setae; there are no long setae betwee the dorsocentral rows.
Posted by Urs on 17-03-2008 18:25
thank you for the important informations about the two Neomyia species in Europ.