Thread subject: :: Napomyza

Posted by Philippe moniotte on 13-03-2008 17:57

Hi, Fly addicts
Unless I am greatly mistaken (it would not be the first, nor the last time ;) ) this is Napomyza gymnostoma, agromizidae. It was reared from a pupa collected from leak stems in my garden (Heron, Belgium) and hatched today March 13 2008.
It appears to be becoming a rather too common pest of alliaceae, but there aren't too many pictures on the www.

Posted by Xespok on 13-03-2008 18:27

I had these in large numbers a week or so ago. Hopefully someone can confirm the id.

Posted by Kahis on 13-03-2008 18:41

Hmm, it doesn't quite match the description gives in Spencer (1976) :|

Posted by Philippe moniotte on 15-03-2008 15:17

Thanks for your comments.
I do not have access to that description, so I cannot really comment.
However, what else could it be, considering where it comes from, and its habitus?


Posted by Philippe moniotte on 17-03-2008 08:31


Posted by Xespok on 17-03-2008 09:52

I think my flies emerged from the humus-rich soil meant for flowers.

Posted by Philippe moniotte on 17-03-2008 13:04

The pupa from which mine emerged where collected from the leak stems themselves. They were embedded in the outer leaves, at the end of a "mine'. They looked just like the few pictures of Napomyza pupae on the www. That's why I think they are likely to be N. gymnostoma.
Now I also found pictures/drawings of adult Napomyza cichorii, and they were extremely similar (except perhaps for the yellow knees). But then the host plant is different of course.
