Thread subject: :: Usia cf. syriaca ( Bombyliidae )
Posted by zcuc on 12-03-2008 10:39
Found several of those on yellow flowers, israel.
Edited by zcuc on 14-03-2008 00:38
Posted by viktor j nilsson on 12-03-2008 11:15
Maybe this is Apolysis? (Bombyliidae)
Posted by viktor j nilsson on 12-03-2008 21:32
Is anyone able to confirm my identification? I have read that it was quite recently that the first clues to the biology of Apolysis was found, as one african species of Apolysis was reared from the nest of an Pollen wasp (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Masarinae). A few Apolysis species exist in europe but most seem to be localised to one or a few mediterranean countries. Are they very rare?
Posted by javig on 12-03-2008 21:52
What is the difference between Apolysis and Usia?
This looks similar to Usia (
http://macroinsta...aenea.html) for me...
Posted by viktor j nilsson on 13-03-2008 11:46
wow! yes, I was not aware of that genus at all! it does look very good.
Posted by David Gibbs on 13-03-2008 19:02
I have been spending most of my time recently studying these critters so i should be able to help. it is
Usia, a male, the photo is not sharp enough to be absolutely sure but it seems to be black-haired, and can i make out vauge grey-dusted median and dorsocentral stripes on the mesonotum? if these are real then we are looking at
Usia syriaca Paramonov.
i hope you have some specimens? send me some and i will confirm det. if not please get out there and collect some for me, and as many
Usia and
Parageron as you can and you will certainly make an important contibution to my work on the beeflies.
Posted by zcuc on 13-03-2008 23:13
Is this photo better?
I think the hair is really black and it has three stripe on the thorax.
but the color of the abdomen looks greener than the first photo.
Edited by zcuc on 13-03-2008 23:28
Posted by David Gibbs on 14-03-2008 00:17
second photo seems to be same species as first, probably a female, but i cannot say more than i did before.
third photo an entirely different species so best if removed to a different thread. Lots of species like this so must have specimens to get close to an identification beyond
Usia sp.
Posted by zcuc on 14-03-2008 00:41
Thanks David for the ID.
I moved the other image to a new thread.