Thread subject: :: tiny dead beauty -> Dolichopodidae
Posted by Sundew on 03-03-2008 22:46
Today I surveyed the window sills for recently deceased flies and found a small nice one with a metallic green thorax. The frons is green as well. The aristae bear very short hairs. I hope the pics show enough details to allow a genus ID.
Thanks in advance, Sundew
Edited by Sundew on 03-03-2008 22:57
Posted by Sundew on 03-03-2008 22:47
More details.
Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 03-03-2008 22:53
~I think in Dolichopodidae.
Posted by Sundew on 03-03-2008 22:55
That was my guess, too. I hope we can get somewhat closer...
Posted by Andre on 03-03-2008 22:58
Dolichopodidae, clearly.
Posted by Paul Beuk on 04-03-2008 07:49
Looks like
Chrysotimus molliculus.
Posted by Sundew on 04-03-2008 11:41
This species is still missing in the gallery. So is your guess sure enough to allow for labeling a habit pic - say, with "cf." - for submission?
Thanks for the probable ID,
Edited by Sundew on 04-03-2008 11:42
Posted by Paul Beuk on 04-03-2008 12:13
Igor Grichoanov might still confirm it, but I am reasonably confident. There are not many species with green mesonotum, yellowish abdomen and such small size.
Posted by Igor Grichanov on 04-03-2008 15:29
Paul, you are right. Sundew can check this female:
3. Antenna yellow, only postpedicel somewhat darkened; apical section of CuA1 longer than basal section; 1.25-2.0 .......flaviventris (von Roser)
? Antenna entirely black; Apical section of CuA1 shorter than basal section; 1.5-2.5............................... molliculus (Fall?n)
Chrysotimus molliculus (Fallen, 1823) [Dolichopus] (Loew, 1857: Progr.Realsch.Meseritz 1857: 47-48; Schiner, 1862: Fauna austr. 1: 185) *
=Dolichopus molliculus Fallen, 1823: Dipt.Svec. 2 Monogr. Dolichopod. Svec.): 23 ** possible ST: MZLU, 5 males and 1 female in NHRS. Type locality: Ostrogothia [Sweden]. Palaearctic: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria; Czech, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Georgia; Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania; Russia: Adygea, Karelia, Krasnodar, Leningrad, Moscow, Tula, Voronezh; Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland; Ukraine: Kharkiv, Kherson * Chrysotimus
Posted by Sundew on 04-03-2008 16:49
That's great, Igor. My accumulation of knowledge is enormous - unthinkable without the Internet! However, what would be the Internet without you?
By the way, Igor's avatar is very similar to the face of my fly, only much more alive...
Warmest thanks to all. I'll put a good pic in the gallery.