Thread subject: :: Tachinidae today...

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 02-03-2008 19:49


Maybe I saw my first tachinidae of the year today.. not sure.
Theo or Chris... is it possible to see the Wagneriini tribe in these days? I saw a tachinid with very strong antennas and very black body. It moved a lot its wings too. It was a little nervous. I'm pretty sure I saw a tachinid. Ok, I know it is impossible with this description to confirm even the family. :) Which are the possibilities for early tachinids? The environment around is a farmland with very recent cultivation on the earth. And there are plenty Olaea europaea, Pinus spp., Acacia spp., and some Castanus sativa...
I spotted the fly during the midday.

Yesterday I saw my first Bibionidae and today I saw a Bibio in final stage...

Posted by Zeegers on 02-03-2008 21:51

Kirbya moerens would be an obvious candidate. Already seen in February this year, see earlier post.


Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 02-03-2008 22:41

hmm... no, the antenna were more stronger like Lophosia... it resembles a little.. but not so large and they are very darker - almost coal colour.

Posted by Zeegers on 03-03-2008 21:59

You'll have to catch it, Jorge !


Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 03-03-2008 23:07

ok. Next weekend. Try to catching it! :)